West Nepal is one of the least developed places in the world and desperately needs support. It’s home to the country’s most vulnerable people, more than half of them living in poverty. Almost two thirds of children under five are malnourished.
Empowering children through education is the best chance the people have to develop their lives, but until lifestyle, communication and transportation are improved, it won’t be possible to educate children in the villages.
We have a goal to improve communications in the villages so that children can video chat with their parents during their years at school.
In the long term, we would like to help village conditions improve to the point that teachers will want to live there and therefore educating children in the villages will be possible.
West Nepal is one of the least developed places in the world and desperately needs support. It’s home to the country’s most vulnerable people, more than half of them living in poverty. Almost two thirds of children under five are malnourished.
Empowering children through education is the best chance the people have to develop their lives, but until lifestyle, communication and transportation are improved, it won’t be possible to educate children in the villages.
We have a goal to improve communications in the villages so that children can video chat with their parents during their years at school.
In the long term, we would like to help village conditions improve to the point that teachers will want to live there and therefore educating children in the villages will be possible.
Snowland Journeys helps enable children born in the High Himalayas of Nepal
and their families.
Children are often sent away by their parents when they are just 4 years old, to school in the capital city of Kathmandu, in the hope that education will give them a better chance in life.
For 12 years they live and study at school, receiving a free education, but cannot see or speak to their parents, due to the remoteness of their villages.

Upon completion of exams, aged 16, the children have time to make the long journey home to reconnect with their parents.
By going home and seeing life in the villages, the young people gain an understanding of why they were sent away, the sacrifice their parents had to make, and realise they are deeply loved.
Our reintegration programme prepares students and their families emotionally and physically for this vital reunion.
We organise field trips to prepare young people for their journeys home, whilst connecting them to nature and teaching conservation. We work with them on personal and social development using experiential learning and outdoor therapeutic interventions.
We enable the journeys home for the young people by offering small groups of people the opportunity to trek in their footsteps.
Our expeditions are to the High Himalayas of West Nepal - a faraway, off-grid land where the way of life has not changed for thousands of years.
The family reunions are financially enabled by trekkers going on expeditions with Snowland Journeys.
During the going home journeys, we film messages from villagers which we play to their children still at Snowland School, helping to maintain a sense of family connection for the children.
Our expeditions ensure fair treatment for the local teams that support us, making sure we give something back to the regions we visit.

Upon their return to the city as young adults, we provide support for further education, mentoring schemes, workplace training and experience as trekking guides, medics, designers and filmmakers.
We support the remote mountain villages from which the children come, enabling the young people to develop ethical and sustainable fashion, arts and crafts skills with their families to empower the village communities of Western Nepal and help them to build livelihoods.
We offer mentoring to help them sell their crafts to trekkers, whom we introduce to the region, and in online boutiques.
We help them partner with schools internationally for cultural exchange and shared learning.
West Nepal is one of the least developed places in the world and desperately needs support. It’s home to the country’s most vulnerable people, more than half of them living in poverty. Almost two thirds of children under five are malnourished.
Empowering children through education is the best chance the people have to develop their lives, but until lifestyle, communication and transportation are improved, it won’t be possible to educate children in the villages.
We have a goal to improve communications in the villages so that children can video chat with their parents during their years at school.
In the long term, we would like to help village conditions improve to the point that teachers will want to live there and therefore educating children in the villages will be possible.